Scavenger Hunt

scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunt is a game in which the organizer makes a list of specific items and the players try to find as many of them as possible. I don’t think there is a corresponding name for this game in Japanese. Scavenger itself means “an animal that feeds on dead animals that it has not killed itself.” According to Wikipedia, treasure hunting is another name for almost the same game, but this usually means a game where you follow a series of clues to find some items.


Arbor is the Latin word for “tree.” Common English words with this prefix include arboretum and arboreal. The former is easily guessed to be a noun (compared to momentum or ultimatum) and means “a botanical garden where many different trees are grown.” The latter is formed with the suffix “al” which, in this case, means “of” or “relating to” (e.g. colonial means “relating to a colony”), and means “of or living in trees.”